Sunday, September 29, 2024

RM1 ZG ZH ZJ ZK ZL ZM ZN ZP ZQ ZR ZS ZT ZU ZV 14pieces Zeti Paper Money. Is it replacement banknotes?

This is a very peculiar notes because the prefix starts with Z but it is maybe not a Malaysian replacement note.

The condition is from AUNC to VF. You can see this item on sell on my carousell page.


Saturday, September 21, 2024

Japanese Invasion Money (JIM) info for sharing

This is one of the JIM notes that I own. It is in rough condition maybe in Fine grade but no matter it is good to keep some. I do have others but this is what i have nearby to share in this blog.

The MK signifies it was for Malaya

Japanese invasion money (JIM) was currency issued by the Japanese Military Authority, as a replacement for local currency after the conquest of colonies and other states in WW2.

The Japanese began their attack on British Malaya the same day as Pearl Harbor. The Japanese entered Malaya overland from the north and the fortified base of Singapore fell on 15 February 1942 and was held with the rest of Malaya by the Japanese until August 1945. Malaysian scrip is in dollars (Straits or Malayan dollars) and therefore is often, mistakenly, thought to be for the invasion of the United States. In 1942 the Japanese issued paper scrip currency of 1, 5, 10 and 50 cents and 1, 5 and 10 dollars. The 1, 5 and 10-dollar notes initially had serial numbers; these were later omitted.

In 1944, inflation led to the issuing of a 100-dollar note. In 1945, a replacement note 100-dollar bill was issued as well as a hyper-inflation 1,000 note. The 1942 series of notes, including the 50c and 1, 5, 10, and the 1944/45 100-dollar all contained the text [The Japanese Government] "Promises To Pay The Bearer on Demand". The 1944 100-dollar replacement note no longer contained this message.

With metals being a needed war-material the Japanese did not issue coinage during their occupations. Occupation currency, including denominations of less than one dollar, was printed on paper. However, the Money Museum of the Bank Negara Malaysia in Kuala Lumpur has on display a pattern coin showing that occupation coinage was considered. The pattern on display is a 20-cent aluminum pattern coin inscribed on the obverse with the name MALAYSIA, and the date 2602, which translated from the Japanese calendar is 1942 A.D. Inscribed on the reverse is a typical Japanese design of a sun ray with sakura flowers, with 20 CENTS at the top.

The name MALAYSIA was used on a pattern coin of 1942. The name for this country was not officially changed from 'Malaya' to 'Malaysia' until 16 September 1963. However, the latter name had been in common use since the 19th century, and the Osaka Finance Ministry in Japan has verified that this pattern coin had been minted at the Osaka Mint, and that the name MALAYSIA was the Japanese name for that region, at that time.


To date, no person issued Japanese invasion money in place of their own money has been awarded compensation. Pursuant to the Treaty of San Francisco, signed in September 1951, Japan made restitution on a national, not individual, level.

Large amounts of Japanese invasion money were collected by individuals following the war. Most issues can be purchased cheaply for their numismatic value by collectors

Monday, September 16, 2024

Harga-harga pembelian duit lama oleh dealer atau penjual duit lama di Malaysia

Hari ini saya ingin kongsikan harga-harga pembelian duit lama oleh dealer atau pembeli duit lama di Malaysia yang saya jumpa di internet (yang masuk akal) : RM1 "Aishah", RM1 ZB, etc

Semua gambar di atas adalah ehsan dari google dan bukan milik saya ya. Kredit kepada pemilik gambar masing-masing.

Diharapkan anda boleh menilai koleksi duit lama anda menggunakan info ini. 

Sunday, September 15, 2024

Benarkah ada tandatangan Aishah di atas duit kertas Malaysia yang bernilai ribuan ringgit?


Mungkin anda pernah mendengar terdapat duit kertas RM1 yang mempunyai tandatangan Aishah yang di dakwa mempunyai nilai yang mencecah ribuan ringgit Malaysia. Adakah ini benar?

Yang benarnya ialah duit tersebut memang wujud 100% dan asli sepenuhnya. Cuma tandatangan tersebut bukanlah bermaksud Aishah walaupun ia kelihatan seperti Aishah. Sebenarnya ia adalah tandatangan gabenor Bank Negara Malaysia(BNM) yang ke-6 iaitu:

Gabenor BNM ke-6, Tan Sri Dato' Seri Ali Abul Hasan Sulaiman (1998-2000)

Tandatangan Beliau:

Jadi tandatangan itu adalah Ali Abul dan bukannya Aishah.

Mengikut buku katalog Steven Tan 2010:

dan memang betul duit tersebut adalah amat bernilai kerana ia jarang2 ditemui dan menjadi idaman para kolektor numismatik di luar sana. Kondisi yang cantik boleh mencapai harga RM2,000 ke atas.

Harap info yang dikongsi ini boleh membantu dan mengelak kekeliruan anda.

Terima kasih dan sekiranya mempunyai persoalan boleh taip di ruangan komen.

Saturday, September 14, 2024

Kenali tandatangan duit kertas Negara Malaysia dari tahun 1962 hingga kini

Gabenor BNM Pertama, Tan Sri W. H. Wilcock (1959-1962)

Gabenor BNM Kedua, Tun Ismail Mohd. Ali (1962 - 1980)

Gabenor BNM Ketiga, Tan Sri Dato' Abdul Aziz Taha (1980-1985)

Gabenor BNM ke-4, Tan Sri Dato' Jaffar Hussein (1985-1994)

Gabenor BNM ke-5, Tan Sri Dato' Ahmad Mohd. Don (1994-1998)

Gabenor BNM ke-6, Tan Sri Dato' Seri Ali Abul Hasan Sulaiman (1998-2000)

Gabenor BNM ke-7, Tan Sri Dato' Seri Dr. Zeti Akhtar Aziz (2000-2016)

Gabenor BNM ke-8, Tan Sri Dato' Seri Muhammad Ibrahim (2016-2018)

Gabenor BNM ke-9, Tan Sri Dato' Nor Shamsiah binti Mohd Yunus (2018-2023)

Gabenor BNM ke-10, Datuk Abdul Rasheed Abdul Ghaffour (2023-kini)

Wednesday, September 11, 2024

Abdul Rasheed Ghaffour appointed as the 10th Governor of Bank Negara Malaysia (BNM), see his Signature here.

Bank Negara Malaysia has announced the appointment of Datuk Shaik Abdul Rasheed Abdul Ghaffour as the Governor of the bank for a five-year term, starting from July 1, 2023, until June 30, 2028.

Abdul Rasheed will succeed Tan Sri Nor Shamsiah Mohd Yunus, who will complete her five-year term on June 30, 2023.

In a press statement today, Shamsiah expressed her gratitude for the opportunity to lead the bank during a challenging period and expressed confidence in Abdul Rasheed’s ability to lead the Bank Negara Malaysia.

List of previous BNM Governors

the governor's signature on newer notes

As you can see the Governors will have a term of 5 years, Although past governors do get re-appointed to 2 or 3 terms.

Hopefully this little info is valuable to you. Pls comment if you have any more questions.

Tuesday, September 10, 2024

RM5 1986 Jaafar Hussein Old Malaysian Banknotes made of paper

These are the examples of Banknotes 6th series under the Bank Negara Governor Tan Sri Dato Jaafar Hussein (1985-1994). Condition of the Banknotes are VF to EF at best.

If you are Malaysian, did you manage to get hold of these notes back then? If yes you are maybe as old as I am.. Haha.

Try to keep some Banknotes from the past as memories and to teach your son's or grandkids in the future..

BTW, the notes above I am selling for RM50 as a lot of 3 pieces if anyone is interested. You can email me at or comment if you are interested to buy it.


RM1 ZG ZH ZJ ZK ZL ZM ZN ZP ZQ ZR ZS ZT ZU ZV 14pieces Zeti Paper Money. Is it replacement banknotes?

This is a very peculiar notes because the prefix starts with Z but it is maybe not a Malaysian replacement note. The condition is from AUNC ...